But it's it's x I think it's probably that person is getting two so with a family the maximum is to read adduct Abul so if you have a family of six dental insurance texas we're only going to subject you to three deductibles out of that family of six.
So perfect the next question is let's see we answered the illinois question i'd see what is the difference between going directly with Emeritus dental insurance texas if you already have the network available through teen course carrier yeah so Mara said she doesn't do any direct appointments at least not on the individual side they do with their with their large group Salesforce they've got about a hundred emeritus sales reps.
That are out there working with agents on direct basis we don't offering direct contracts all of our contracts are offered through general agencies yep like HCP team Corp is a different product altogether that is what I would consider to come like a private label products that's dental insurance texas separate from prime star with that plan specifically what they're doing to try to keep the rate down as low as possible to kind of allow for that higher comp is they're using actually the skinny version.
They're using a slice of the emeritus classic network so the price is our plan I go on the wrong way here utilizes the the the classic network which is the broadest network giving you four and just about four dental insurance texas and thirty thousand access points the team Corp chooses to use one of the skinny plans and I think that number is about or , so that's kind of one caveat there perfect and then another question here let's see does this product waive all waiting periods for clients replacing current.
And dental frig it does not the plans themselves are just kind of stated as is whether or not they have done so currently okay and then boy they're making you do some comparison with other plans I love that how is the difference from spirit dental plan Network and for Illinois you know what are some of the the premiums yeah so I won't get as granular from a premium standpoint because dental insurance texas that's that states specific and even within Illinois I think it's for different rate factors and so I we would need to get you know very granular there but just but just come at a high level.