humana dental insurance mean that they haven't had changes to the plan now there's a lot of methods of obtaining benefits out there we're going to talk about some of those and really I want to talk about the pros and cons of each you.
know handbooks from from patients aides still exist the handbook is generally going to be fairly accurate you know although there's occasional you know mistakes it may be discovered when you compare to other sources you have to just make sure that you've got a current dental handbook and
are you missing any amendment pages but a giant Condor this is who has the time to read it and can you get the patient to remember to bring it in so unless you get the dental handbook ahead of time then verification has to wait until they arrive and it can be read by a staff member which is not
realistic at all and then of course the dental handbook you don't have a confirmation if the patient's actually enrolled and what their effective date is you know if you have a current handbook and there is a misprint in it and you went off of that information then the employer can be brought in to
see if they're willing to stand behind it many times they've got this in black and white they handed this handbook out to everybody and oh my gosh it wasn't paid that way and there was a mistake in it a lot of times they will stand behind that type of thing at the employers self-funded you even
have a better chance of getting them to pay the claim based on those incorrect misprints but even if it's not a self-funded group you have decent chance if they had incorrect information in their handbooks now another common method of obtaining benefits are the fax packs so there are pros
and cons to that you know after you input your information the social the ID you know the insurer date of birth your fax number tax ID whatever you know a fax is going