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Everything You Need To Know About Dentalhelp

Writer's picture: Dental HelpsDental Helps

Dentalhelp hundred seventy-five bucks and then I said well wait but they're going to pay for the insurance right bucks dentalhelp is their out-of-pocket expenses due to the co-pays and do the due to the fact that we give allowance on that to those.

Contact lenses but dentalhelp those contact lenses came up to so what are is the out-of-pocket expenses if they're going to pay at the retailer instead of paying but they're once again they're paying for the insurance so when you add up that.

A month's your and pay for that for months that comes up bucks so even when you factor in the insurance the savings the client in that example it's still over two and twelve bucks and then let's say you big at the VSP plan and just for sake have kind of you know.


Showing a different dentalhelp example let's say that they're going to get glasses so they get that eye exam they get two lenses they get the UV coating just like my wife got they got the scratch coating and they got the frames frames were bucks underneath this assumption.

They would have paid if they just paid cash you would have paid four hundred and seventy dollars but their out-of-pocket expenses with the VSP prompt is only and then when you add in the VSP insurance premium that they're going to be paying.

That on an annual I basis that comes up to dollars they're saving bucks instead of by buying the insurance instead of paying cash sometimes when I show this slide especially when I'm live when I'm face to face with you um what agents will interrupt me and say.

Here is they'll say well if they're if you're money ahead with vision how can you guys offer vision you know you wanna make a proper don't you are you losing a bunch of money or what the answer is is you know how can we offer vision insurance which is a very strictly what I would call a utilizar product you know it's I mean the benefits.

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