Humana dental Genetics so if you're thinking I don't want to go to the dentist now because I'm concerned about how much I'm gonna end up pain this is incredibly unusual and what I'm gonna do in just a second is I'm going to .
Walk through the insurance and you'll see the ones that they covered how much they covered I'll break down some of it for you guys so let's go to insurance next so remember that I get my U of I one for free so .
This one does not cover Ryan at all and it's just me as a graduate student so UIUC covered my cleaning so the cleaning was a hundred and five dollars they paid for M so even though they
Actually cover either I think it's percent of the cost I had to hit my deductible first so that's why this one is lower I think I have a twenty five dollar deductible so you have to pay that before they help
You out at all and then they pay ninety percent of what's left so or maybe it's fifty dollars I don't remember but I had to pay my deductible that's why this one's so low then they also paid for my x-rays and they .
paid for part of it so my x-rays were dollars and they covered so you have I ended up covering dollars and cents this is probably the main reason why I don't think that we will continue this really high dental insurance for me after this year .
I honestly need to see it sounds before I max it out if I could stop paying for it I'm sure I can't I'm sure there's a contract in there somewhere but I'm gonna find out - we'll ask they might the worst that they can say is no that I can't cancel it but because they covered this and then I'll have it obviously another cleaning in six months so they'll cover a little bit more than dollars they'll