Ameritas Dental Essential for keeping your breath fresh plus after eating a meal switch water around your mouth for a few seconds if you are lured to any of these ingredients stop using it pluck is a sticky soft film of bacteria that builds up on your teeth dental fillings gums tongue and dentures cut an aloe Ameritas Dental.
Vera leaf and extract the pulp rub the pulp directly on your teeth and gum line leave it on for minutes then rinse it off with cold water use this remedy twice daily aloe Vera is an effective and healthy solution to whiten teeth which simply requires the gel from the plant which you can apply
every day each time you brush your teeth take little amount of toothpaste put a small amount of baking soda in it and add little teem juice mix all the ingredients and brush your teeth with it then rinse your mouth and teeth thoroughly with lukewarm water use this remedy once in a week but do
not use baking soda in excess as it may damage the tooth enamel over time I hope you liked the video if you like this video then give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends thank you for watching hello everyone in this video we will talk about the beginning phase of periodontics
treatment first we start with applying local anesthesia also called as plexus anesthesia and you have a special video made from us where we deeply describe this technique we applied the anesthesia slowly so it's less painful for the patient this tooth has been previously treated the pulp
has been revitalized using chemical medicine now we open up the temporary filling using a program and we will proceed with extirpation of the fern tissue we go in through the hole depth of the tooth until we get to the openings of the root canal we apply tampons we dry out the cavity