basically one word we would have a Ameritas Dental mesial labial incisal point angle and again we change the AL O on both the mesial and labial and use the Al on the incisal so we got a mesial labial incisal point angle right here and.
the same exists for our other point Ameritas DentalB angles this one would be our mesial-lingual incisal point angle so this gives us a identification of our surfaces our line angles and our point angles let's look to a posterior tooth here.

we have the same thing basically on the Ameritas Dental posterior teeth except we've got two different named surfaces we've got our buccal surface and the surface number five here now is our in occlusal surface and again where these surfaces join we would have our line angles but they would be named according to.
the surface so this line angle here would be our buccal occlusal line angle and the same with the line angles around the rest of the posterior teeth we would have our mesial occlusal line angle and then.

we can go to our point angles again and again this is identified by the three surfaces here we would have our buccal that would be an O now buccal mesial occlusal point angle and the same would exist for basically all the rest of our point angles and the posterior teeth these are more frequently referred to these point angles in the posterior teeth