Premier dentists there's based off a percentage so depending on how much your dentist charges is going to determine dental insurance for veterans how much you pay out-of-pocket. The PPO you will save more money if you find a dentist who's a PPO dentist versus the Premier.
So there's not necessarily a fee schedule for the State of Texas Dental Choice plan that's more for the DHMO the DeltaCare USA DHMO.
Next question is that two oral and to cleanings per year per person under the State of Texas Dental Choice plan? There's two oral exams and two cleanings
per year per person are covered. So I just want to reiterate that you know we are administering the same type of benefits.
that you are used to so nothing about your benefits are changing so um two exams two cleanings and that will be administered it would be per person so we're not it's not per
plan, so there is going to be no disruption in the way you are used to your benefit. Thank you. All right next question, I'm currently on an orthodontic treatment with my current plan when it switches over I still received a , lifetime maximum if I need additional orthodontic care? That is a great
question so when we talk about ortho lifetime maximums we talk about the maximum dollar amount so if you are currently on a getting ortho treatment you will not receive any additional maximum so it's no loss no gain so you won't lose any of that maximum you won't gain any more maximum so
we will continue to administer however what your ortho maximum is currently at so for instance they if you have left of your ortho maximum Delta Dental will continue for that of payments so it's not going to give you additional maximum.