Goal for Every morning that Dental Insurance Maine you can take a look at and I'll give you an example let's just take this patient and imagine they were originally scheduled with the wrong hygienist so it's just Barbara in there and save that in this view quickly auditing.
The schedule we Dental Insurance Maine can see that that's a purple patient that shouldn't be there that should be an all yellow column for Phyllis and I make that a part of our providers to double-check that because when you walk out under the wrong provider you're at the end of the day
You're trying to do and Dental Insurance Maine a day reports and then they welcome to go oh it got done another wrong hygienist and you got to go change things and so that's one of the things that I have my clinicians do is make sure that those colors are right when they come in yeah and we're to talk about this in a little while but one of the things.
That really works well is to do that in conjunction with a custom and telecaster so #facebook if you notice this little yellow icon right there well that is for my doctor yelling all right and that's that's for color all right and I can tell that yellow icon matches.
The page to the Dental Insurance Maine patient's because we have a you know a doctor preference I want to be receive that go down that list this doctor is orange at magic sees color and that doctor is gray and they don't match with that you know but it's a quick easy way to be to see if their patients gentle to write.
The light or to write now Dental Insurance Maine while we're there since we don't seem to have a lot of questions we've got to watch the time let's go ahead and talk about and telecare alerts next but I do want to point out for me and telecare alerts are awesome.
I found them to be a little bit hard to set up and if there's too many in telecare alerts or your team's not used to looking at them you have to really retrain them so that was my - I love and telecare alerts but it definitely is an implementation training issue