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Things To Do Immediately About Dentemax

Writer's picture: Dental HelpsDental Helps

dentinal junction the area in which our cementum and dentin joint if we look at a cutaway section of some teeth we can define the periodontist or the Dentemax supporting structures of the teeth have four basic parts.

that make up our periodontium first is our gingiva or the soft tissue which we normally see in the mouth underlying our gingiva Dentemax we have our alveolar bone which is the bone that makes up the socket or the surrounding area of.


the tooth alveolar bone then we have a what we call para donal membrane it's a soft tissue membrane or a ligamentous membrane that connects the tooth and the alveolar bone our para donal membrane and actually a .

fourth structure to our Dentemax periodontium is a port part of the tooth that is our cementum the cementum connects the periodontal membrane to a hard structure on the tooth and then the parallel membrane is connected to.

the hard bone so the cementum is considered part of the paradigm ER the supporting apparatus of the tooth if we were actually to look to the crown sometimes this crown portion is broken down into two areas what we call the anatomic crown is as we have described that portion of the tooth which is covered by enamel this is often


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