She doesn't work dental insurance plans for L'Oreal anymore we're just going to drop this plan on the upper-left the button that says drop if she did have another secondary insurance then.
We dental insurance plans would just go to our ad insurance and add a new plan so again we don't want to be editing existing plans if they have a new job we would drop it and then re add a new one if they have additional family members we can also add them here on the upper left just above .
Where it says patient picture unavailable existing MLG composite I can just highlight numbers you manually choose my surfaces and then just click the word composite and it will chart the correct code for me for a surface posterior and you can see the composite is just a little bit lighter color.
Than the ally just indicating different materials being used anything existing an open end I'll show up as green let's chart a few things are actually need to be done so I'm going to change my status to treat plan let's say and a couple of occlusal maybe number needs a crown and maybe we're going to keep a watch on tooth number so I've changed.
My status to condition and under my fillings I've got a watch button set up and it'll just put a little W just below the tooth there you can also choose a diagnosis so if you wanted to say number and just to the right of the surface buttons there's different diagnosis options so I could choose maybe just incipient caries and add a watch you can also add a surface watch