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Writer's picture: Dental HelpsDental Helps

This one actually DENTAL INSURANCE MAINE sends a check to the dentist so it does pay the dentist for the work that they're doing so you generally have a higher kind of level of quality with the dentist it also provides pre negotiated rates so.

it's worked with the dentist's office and it's good for more complex care so these plans will have what's generally a maximum benefit of , or , and I would almost always opt for the , maximum benefit.

just because if this fits into what you're looking for chances are you're gonna reach your your maximums or your limits during the year so it works out very well now for discount dental I have a separate video on that so if you are simple on the dental and you're just looking for cleanings and checkups and and things of that nature.

you individual dental insurance maine know I would recommend that absolutely and then so watch the video discount dental video comm and I'll go over the options and show you exactly how to do it you can do it all yourself you sign up right online very simple to do but this one I'm gonna run through the more complex that you understand how a true.

Dental plan works and again this is dental PPO plan and this is gonna actually take it a step further we're gonna eliminate the PPO part of the dental PPO plan because in this plan that I'm going to talk about now there is no network you can go to any dentist anywhere it works as an indemnity plan so.

when you go and have whatever procedure you're gonna cheap dental insurance maine have done they're gonna send you a check for reimbursement so they're not gonna pay the dentist they're gonna pay you so it works out very well and I can tell you this is a plan that has been around now for almost three years and I knew about it right.


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