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Tips to buy dental insurance for veterans

Writer's picture: Dental HelpsDental Helps

dental insurance for veterans probably do something in-house at some point but most of what we concentrate on today is really more about delivering that technology in digitally native experience to the customer you know one thing

I with disruption and new players and industries that comes out is you always face the establishment the establishment starts to see and target and try to come after you you know as you guys are growing you're trying to establish yourselves and build up what you're doing to take over and really

build the future you know do you face those challenges of people are coming after you're trying to pick off your ideas trying to come after you and take down what you're doing from a competitive landscape standpoint and if so how do you how do you fight that overcome that and stay true to

what you're trying to do and survive the big players in the industries you're in if that exists where you're in that industry or if it's a new industry or not well the book the biggest complaint we get is you're stealing our business which is in I don't know where to start with that anyway but ironically

we're not on what we're doing is we're so I think we've been trying to educate and work we actually work with dental partners across the state so we're going across the country start in Utah in Phoenix for gals in California but what we what we found is % of people that were coming to us

hadn't been dentists in two years which I might have mentioned earlier so what we found is like we're actually getting a whole crew people that haven't gone the dentist at all and guess what we do when when they say they have work to be done we sent him into the local dentist so if they're

working with the dentist they go work with them so we've actually been growing the industry we've been helping by getting better preventative care and then when you get work or they didn't they go to their local dentists we partner with so we Arana CLE been helping local discs by being able to to send

them business of people that have work that you have been two years guess what they have some work that needs to be done and we're not gonna do a root canal you know in the work place you're going back to the work with your Hassan and you know drugged up so it

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