Dental cover no waiting period whenever you're looking at one of our plan this link will be on there so you can look up Dental cover no waiting period a provider on the I should have it on this slide the average discounts with our with our network so.

The discount is very Dental cover no waiting period good so I mention at the beginning that I wanted to try to give you some stats and figures around why dental not necessarily why I'm Aires but just why dental as a whole here's the headline.
When you look at products outside of the core and I define core as ma med sub or PDP plants we look at products outside the core there's not a plan or product that exists out there that's going to have more natural demand than dental specifically.
We did a study Dental cover no waiting period and of those that are turning currently you know currently employed on group insurance percent of those that are turned and tend to get a dental plan for their retirement percent if you were to go through all the supplemental products.
That exist out there so if you're to pull people on Hospital indemnity on critical illness on cancer plans on final expense plans you know anything else you could potentially cross sell with Medicare there isn't going to be a product that is going to.
Have a higher demand at no one's going to ask you do you have a good Hospital indemnity plan I'm not saying you can't sell hospital indemnity you should sell hospital and M&E; with your MA clients but dense a lot of everything is going to.
Have the highest demand why because dental historically covered on group insurance as part of a medical package whether with the medical carrier or with a demo carrier like emeritus and therefore clients really put two and two together in their head.
That with health comes dental and so if you're replacing their health with Medicare seventy one percent of time main tend to bind up a plan from you as well so the needs definitely in there here's another step it out right down.