Vision And Dental Insurance is Useful Or Not ?
In the United States, Vision And Dental Insurance having a clean and healthy tooth is a symbol of identity, but to do so must have a certain economic strength.
Some time ago, the reporter had a toothache. He went to a small clinic opened by a Chinese dentist in Los Angeles. He paid a registration fee of $50.
The dentist diagnosed that the cause of the toothache was broken teeth, and a braces could be installed in the damaged area.
The cheapest one was 600 dollars. The dentist added: "Please don't be too expensive. You have to go to the American clinic and the price has to be doubled.
" Because of the high cost of seeing teeth in the United States, many Chinese students are afraid of having dental disease.
If they have a small illness, they can only endure it. They can't help but go to the hospital.
often shoulder an "important mission" when they return to China, that is, to look at their teeth.